
FHF grows 14,710 fruit trees that produce about 563,000 kilos a year of peaches.

The peach is one of the fruits with the highest production worldwide. It is a typical summer fruit.

The sunny climate and the care with which FHF supervises each of the fruit trees allow us to obtain quality peaches, harvested at their optimum moment.

  • Yellow peach – Sant Mikel and G58: fleshy, sweet and with a small pit
  • Galician peach or Pexego (Tox-chino): smaller in size, with white flesh, green skin and reddish stone

Peaches offer us an infinite number of benefits for our health:

  • It has a diuretic effect thanks to its high potassium and low sodium content.
  • They are rich in vitamin C that helps protect our cells and fight free radicals.
  • Its antioxidant power and its high presence in beta-carotene helps us take care of our skin, hair and nails.
  • Its high fiber content helps regulate our intestinal transit